Generate tiefling names

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10 random ideas generated for your character

  • Urmir Oakenheart
  • Able Pamirzam
  • Temperance Tulleka
  • Timeless Bratabret
  • Ekvius Silverman
  • Aranichar Ildrecos
  • Lalas Senrive
  • Expertise Baylun
  • Orto Goliger
  • Lildro Leyten
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The Tieflings are humanoid creatures that appear in the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy games. They were born out of the pact between humans and demons. When people evoked the evil forces to exhibit and share their powers, the demons responded in agreement.

But there was a price to pay: the Tieflings were born scary and ugly, and their fangs, claws and tails became inheritable as well. Still, even though most of them exhibit extreme prejudice, cunning and hubris, some Tieflings have retained their virtue nonetheless. These creatures can be male or female, and some even have surnames.

Our service will help you select a perfect Tiefling name for your character. But you can also use it as your nickname in computer games and on social networks or if you decide to write your own fantasy stories. The service applies artificial intelligence to generate random names from the DnD (5e) and the Pathfinder games.

The tool is easy to use: specify if you need a male, female or virtue name and press the button for a list of 10 ideas, and if you like none of them, press the button again for 10 more options until you see one that suits you perfectly.

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